Starting a Business in Colorado

Check business name availability with Colorado Department of State

Start by doing a search to see if your business name is available:

One of the following terms or abbreviations is required to be included in the entity name:

“Limited Liability Company”
“Ltd. Liability Company”
“Limited Liability Co.”


Colorado Department of State1700 BroadwayColorado Department of State

Denver, CO 80290
P: (303) 894-2200

File paperwork to form my business

All Colorado Secretary of State business filings are done online. So you just go to the website to form your Colorado corporation or LLC. The filing fee is $50 and your business is formed instantly. You can choose from a list of online filings:

All things being equal, Colorado is one of the simplest and fastest state in which to form a business entity. After you complete the filing, you’ll be given confirmation instantly. All you need to complete the filing is the following information:

-Business name

-Principle addresses

-Registered agent name and address

-Name and contact info of filer

-Entity structure

-Authorized shares (corporations only)

You can incorporate in Colorado with Northwest Registered Agent if you don’t want to do the filing yourself.

Business Organizations

Colorado Department of State
Business Organizations
1700 Broadway
Denver, CO 80290
P: (303) 894-2200

Register with the Department of Revenue

You will need to register with the Department of Revenue. If you have employees, you will also need to register with the Department of Labor and Employment.You can use Colorado Business Express to apply for a sales tax account, wage withholding account, and an unemployment insurance account.

Income Tax:

The Colorado corporate tax rate is 4.63%
The personal tax rate is 4.6%

Sales Tax:

The state sales tax rate is only 2.9% but many localities have high sales tax rates on top of the state sales tax.

Colorado Department of Revenue

Colorado Department of Revenue
1375 Sherman St.
Denver, CO 80261
P:(303) 238-7378


Get a business license

Colorado doesn’t have a statewide business license, but some businesses need a city, county, or professional license.

The Department of Regulatory Agencies oversees trade/occupational licensing, but your license is issued by the board that regulates your profession, such as the Board of Accountancy. The DORA website links to most professional licensing boards

Any other registration requirements?

Check with your local government to see if you need city/county licenses or permits.

The City and County of Denver

Denver does not require every business to have a license. Only certain types of businesses need a license. Click on the type of business activity to see specific requirements for that license.

Denver Contractors – If you need a license, work with Community Planning & Development and the State of Colorado.

El Paso County

El Paso County doesn’t have a business license requirement. You will still want to make sure you have your other permits, etc. For example, medical marijuana dispensaries need to be licensed. Also, be sure to check with the city where your business is located for city licensing requirements.

City of Colorado Springs

Colorado Springs only licenses certain types of businesses. They have a different application form for each business license. You can see a list of businesses and their applications at

License Contact Info

Professional Licensing

Department of Regulatory Agencies
1560 Broadway, Suite 110
Denver CO, 80202
P: (303) 894-7855

The City and County of Denver

Department of Excise and Licenses
Wellington Webb Building
201 West Colfax Ave.,
Room 2.H.9, Dept. 206
Denver, Colorado 80202
P: (720) 913-1311

City of Colorado Springs

City Clerks’ Office
PO Box 1575, Mail Code 110
30 S Nevada Ave, Suite 101
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
P: (719) 385-5901

Collect and Charge Sales Tax

Do I need to collect Colorado sales tax?

If your business will sell, rent or lease tangible personal property, you must get a sales tax license.

What is the Colorado sales tax rate?

The state sales tax rate is only 2.9% but many cities and counties have sales tax in addition to the state tax.

How do I register for Colorado sales tax?

You can use Colorado Business Express to apply for a sales tax and other taxes
From the website you can choose to file online or file manually. If you choose to file manually, you can download the application and mail or deliver it to the Department of Revenue.
If you register online, you will receive your license in 2-3 weeks. If you mail your application, processing will take 4-6 weeks.

How much does a Colorado sales tax license cost?

The sales tax license fee varies based on the date of your business’s first sales. The fee ranges from $4-$16.
A $50 deposit is required on a retail sales tax licenses only.

Colorado Department of Revenue

Colorado Department of Revenue
1375 Sherman St.
Denver, CO 80261
(303) 238-7378